Tripura Board Class 11 Syllabus for Philosophy
Tripura Board of Higher Secondary Education Class XI Syllabus for Philosophy with course structure are given below.
Unit-I: Some Basic Concepts of Indian Philosophy (Periods 12)
Darsana – its meaning
Different schools of Indian Philosophy – A brief study
Purusrtha as in Indian Philosophy
Unit-II: Orthodox School of Indian Philosophy – Nyaya (Periods 24)
Definition and classification of Pratyaksa
Sannikarsa – Laukika and Alaukika
Different kinds of Laukika sannikarsa
Vyapti and Vyaptigraha
Unit-III: Heterodox School of Indian Philosophy (Periods 24)
Origin of the term Carvaka
Carvaka epistemology – Perception as source of valid knowledge
Bhutacatustayavada , Sukhavada, Svabhavada
Buddhist doctrine of four noble truths with special reference to Bhavacakra,
Nirvana, Astangika Marga, Pratityasamutpadavada.
Unit-IV: Some Basic Concepts of Western Philosophy (Periods 16)
Philosophy – its meaning
Epistemology, Metaphysics, Psychology, Social Philosophy and Aesthetics as branches of Philosophy
Philosophy and Science
Unit-V: Epistemology (Western) (Periods 16)
Different senses of the word ‘know’ and conditions of propositional Knowledge.
Empiricism as a theory of the origin of knowledge
Rationalism as a theory of the origin of knowledge
Kant’s criticism
Unit-VI: Metaphysics (Western) (Periods 20)
Realism and its different forms
Idealism and its different forms
Necessary – connection theory of Causality
Hume’s theory of Causality
Unit-VII: Ethics (Western) (Periods 16)
Definition and scope
Fundamental concepts: right-wrong, good-bad, duty-virtue, moral-non-moral actions
Unit-VIII: Logic (Western) (Periods 30)
Nature and subject matter
Terms – denotation and conotation, Sentences, propositions,
Judgment, Distribution of terms
Transformation of sentences into logical propositions Argument
Unit-IX: Thoughts of Contemporary Indian Philosophers (Periods 12)
Swami Vivekananda : Teachings towards the youth
Mahatma Gandhi : concepts of Ahimsa
Unit-X : Project (Periods 20)
i. Distinction between Darsana in Indian sense and Philosophy in Western sense.
ii. Philosophy and Science.
iii. Definition of perception (pratyaksa) according to the Nyaya. Different kinds of laukika Sannikarsa
iv. Buddhist concept of Bhavacakra, Nirvana and Astangika Marga.
v. Point at issue between Realism and Idealism as theories of the object of knowledge.
vi. Distinction between moral and non-moral actions.
vii. Rules of transformation of grammatical sentences into logical propositions.
viii. Vivekananda on the youth and Gandhi on non-violence.
ix. Any other project based on the syllabus may be undertaken.
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