The Mizoram Board of School Education has released all the important information regarding leaving the High School leaving certificate examination 2018 and above on the basis of the integrated evaluation plan for secondary stage, which will be organized by the Mizoram Board of School Education. According to the design of the scheme and design of the question paper, the fixed MBSE has been made available in detail in this page.
The examination plan for examinations for examinations of various examinations for various subjects, 2018, is determined in each subject according to knowledge, understanding, and expression. On the basis of the marks obtained by the students or the percentage of the grade, the pass criteria, and question design are also defined for each subject. The marks/grades will be awarded for different subjects and total points will be given.
Based on the nature of the subject (s), the examination will be conducted in principle and practice. Class IX promotional examinations will be conducted by the schools themselves. The board will conduct an external examination at the end of class X.
Class X exam will be periodically based on the curriculum as determined by the Board for Class X.
Scheme of Examination
For evaluation in the following subjects, the schools will be adopted by the schools as a grade on the five-digit scale (i.e., A, B, C, D, and E).
- Work Experience
- Art Education
- Physical and Health Education
The evaluation of non-classified subjects includes both internal and external evaluation. Internal evaluation will be based on the candidate's record during their constant evaluation in the school and will be of maximum 20 marks.
There is a possibility of maintaining regular records of student achievement and progress from schools. These records are subject to scrutiny by the Board when it seems appropriate.
The details of the question paper, marks, and duration for external evaluation are given below and in the textbook issued in October 2008, the scheme of prescribed examinations will be removed from super:
Notes :
- Practical (10 points) in science, Home Science (10 marks), introductory information technology (50 points) will be organized by the schools and the points will be notified to the Board. For more information, refer to the respective discipline curriculum
- Physically challenged candidates of recognized schools, unable to participate in work experience, art education and physical and health education will be exempted by the chairman of the board on the recommendation of the head of the Institute on the merits of each case. The request for exemption should be supported by a medical certificate, not below the rank of an assistant surgeon, such as the medical certificate, documentary evidence below.
• Topics for private candidates sponsored by Adult Schools will be evaluated by the Head of the Center Superintendent / Institute.
MBSE Mizoram Pass Criteria
A candidate shall be announced to have passed in the High School Leaving Certificate Examination if he/she obtains
- In each theory paper, at least 33% of total marks
- In each practical paper, at least 33% of total marks
- At least 33% of the aggregate marks,
- In the internally assessed subjects' scores at least ‘D’ grade
A candidate will be required to pass separately in:
- Theory and Practical Papers.
- Internal assessment and External assessment.
Classification of successful candidates
The criteria for classifying students in different departments has also been determined by MBSE. Its details are as follows:
Will be placed in a candidate
- Distinction Division if it receives 75% or more points in total
- First division if it secures 60% and above but below 75% of gross points
- Second Division if it secures less than 50% or more but less than 60% of gross points.
- Third grade if it secures 33% and above but below 50% of gross points.
In a particular subject, a candidate of 80% of the total marks and above will be declared as the letter class in respect of additional subjects and will be indicated in their result with an English alphabet 'L'.
Eligibility for Compartmental Examination
Failure in one of the five subjects of the external exam will be eligible for compartment examination in that subject, which will be passed in the subjects of all categories and will be in the internal evaluation of the subject.
MBSE Mizoram Question Design
The Mizoram Board of School Education has defined the pattern of the question paper, in which preparation of question papers for different subjects will be followed by the examiner. Guidelines for designing question paper are issued separately for all subjects and classes. The weight of different subjects has been fixed in each subject. Candidates are advised to check the MBSE Mizoram Question Design and prepare themselves accordingly.
For detailed information about MBSE Scheme of Examination 2018-Download Information Brochure
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