West Bengal Higher Secondary Education School, Vidyasagar Bhawan has released the program for the Higher Secondary Examination 2018. Students coming to the new courses or the old course examinations can check the West Bengal HS routine 2018 from the official website. West Bengal has been published in the form of HS Exam Routine 2018 PDF file, which includes the date, day, topics and time of the examination. Students can check out more details of West Bengal HS routine 2018 below.
West Bengal HS Exam Routine 2018 has been released on the official website, which is wbchse.nic.in. Students can check out West Bengal HS Routine 2018
New Syllabus
Date |
Day |
From 10.00 a.m. to 1.15 pm.(Morning) |
27 March 2018 |
Tuesday |
Bengali (A), English (A), Hindi (A), Nepali (A), Urdu, Santhali, Odia, Telugu, Gujarati, Punjabi |
29 March 2018 |
Thursday |
English (B), Bengali (B), Hindi (B), Nepali (B), Alternative English |
31 March 2018 |
Saturday |
Statistics, Geography, Costing and Taxation, Home Management and Family Resource Management |
02 April 2018 |
Monday |
Mathematics, Psychology, Anthropology, Agronomy, History |
04 April 2018 |
Wednesday |
Physics, Nutrition, Education, Accountancy |
06 April 2018 |
Friday |
Chemistry, Economics, Journalism & Mass Communication, Sanskrit, Persian, Arabic, French |
07 April 2018 |
Saturday |
#Automobile, #Organised Retailing, #Security, #IT and ITES – VOCATIONAL SUBJECTS |
09 April 2018 |
Monday |
Commercial Law and Preliminaries of Auditing, Philosophy, Sociology |
10 April 2018 |
Tuesday |
Computer Science, Modern Computer Application, Environmental Studies, #Health & Physical Education, #Music, #Visual Arts |
11 April 2018 |
Wednesday |
Biological Science, Business Studies, Political Science |
The exam will be conducted in only one paper from 10.00 am to 1.15 am each day. (3 hours and 15 minutes time has been allocated for both reading and answering question papers except for health and physical education, visual arts, music and business topics)
- These subjects will have a two-hour duration in the examination.
HS Date Schedule Practical Examinations (including Darjeeling District Hill Area)
- A) PHYS, NUTN, PSYC (Dated: December 01 06 to 2017)
- B) CME, GEGR, HMFR (dated December 07 to 12, 2017)
- C) BIOS, CMS, AGNM, CMA (Date: 14 to 20 December 2017)
- D) State (date 22 December 2017)
- E) Music and Visual Arts (date: 14 to 18 December 2017)
- F) Health and physical education (date: December 14 to 23, 2017)
- G) Business Subject, i.e. ATMV, ORTV, SEUV, ITVE (dated December 04 to 23, 2017)
Council, if necessary, can change the dates mentioned above with the proper information for all concerned.
Old Syllabus
Date |
Day |
From 10.00 a.m. to 1.15 p.m. (Morning) |
27 March 2018 |
Tuesday |
Bengali (A), Hindi (A), Nepali (A), Bengali (B), Hindi (B), Nepali (B), Santhathi, Urdu, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Oriya, Marathi, Gujrati, Punjabi, Assamese, Modern Tibetan, Alternative English |
29 March 2018 |
Thursday |
English (A), English (B) |
31 March 2018 |
Saturday |
Computer Science, Modern Computer Application |
02 April 2018 |
Monday |
Mathematics, Philosophy |
03 April 2018 |
Tuesday |
Psychology, Geography, Economic Geography |
04 April 2018 |
Wednesday |
Physics, Nutrition, Education, Business Organisation & Management |
06 April 2018 |
Friday |
History, Chemistry, Accountancy |
07 April 2018 |
Saturday |
*Classical Languages, @Modern Foreign Language, Agronomy |
09 April 2018 |
Monday |
Political Science, Geology, Sociology |
10 April 2018 |
Monday |
Biological Science, Home Management & Home Nursing, Business Economics including Business Mathematics |
11 April 2018 |
Wednesday |
Statistics, Anthropology, Economics, #Fine Arts & Crafts #Music, Environmental Education [2.30 am – 3.30 pm] |
The exam will be held on a single paper every day from 10 a.m. to 1.15 a.m. (Environment and Education, Fine Arts and Crafts and Music), 3 hours and 15 minutes of time have been allocated for reading and answering the question paper.
* Classical language: Sanskrit, Pali, Persian and Arabic
@ Modern foreign language: French
# The examination of this subject will be two hours.
HS Date Schedule Practical Examinations (including Darjeeling District Hill Area)
- A) PHIS, Newton, PSYC (Dated 01 December 06 to 2017)
BBM, GEGR, Holmes {Date: December 07 to 12 2017}
- C) BIOS, CMS, AGNM, FACR, CMA, GEOL, FRCN (Dated: December 14, 20, 2017)
- D) State (date 22 December 2017)
- E) Music and fine arts and crafts {Date: 14 to 18 December 2017}
You can also check here:
- West Bengal Result
- West Bengal Scholarship Exams