The Kerala Board is also known as Secondary School Leaving Certificate (SSLC) and Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate (HSLC), respectively, for the Class-X and Class 12 examination of the Board. Here we covered Kerala Board SSLC and HSLC exam schedule. Candidates coming to the Kerala Board Examination to be held in the month of March 2019, Kerala Board can see table 2019 for class 10 and class 12, from the below-given article.
The certificate of leaving of secondary school is obtained by passing a public examination, i.e., a test which is made by regional board education which is affiliated with the school, not by the members of the school faculty. A student's performance in the SSC exam is an important factor in admission to the higher secondary school, where acceptance is based on the results of the SLC exam. Therefore, SSLC is often considered as an important test which a student does.
High school leaving certificate (HSLC) has been awarded after successfully completing the schools and examinations related to various boards in India since the students of the school.
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