Bihar Board of Open Schooling and Examination (BBOSSE) is going to organize Higher Secondary Examinations, so it will release the exam dates and timetable for the 12th standard soon. Therefore, the candidates can start preparing to score well in their exams well enough to score. Start focusing on those topics, which they feel they are more likely to come and should be modified daily. Tough topics should be covered first. To get more details, candidates can click on the given link.
The examination date and timetable for the higher secondary examinations will be issued soon. Candidates should first prepare a proper working program and then they should adhere to it seriously and accordingly, the preparation should be started accordingly. It is being prepared for them that it will help in checking about which topic is being prepared. More information about these will be available soon.
To visit the Official website click here.
The exam dates and timetable for the higher secondary examinations will be released very soon.
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